Monday, 19 April 2021

Untold One

No soul has right to hurt other souls
every soul is thirsty for each one

In old time people were growing up and they were getting understanding as they were raised up. Then they became mature and there was lack of childish phrase. And that's the natural process one of the. 
In present time, people are growing up but they are becoming more and more childish. What can be the reasons? Do you know? 

Reasons can be the variations of goals choice, seeking for attention, lack of self pride, not able to think beyond the things, can't be virtuous, can't value the life and the belongingness, wrongly chosen priorities, depending somehow, so-called egotistical views, making simple issues into twisted, can't be workaholic, lack of acceptable power, cannot relates to the nature's beauties etc.

They have set their brains into the box. Where no lights can come, no betterment can exists, no upgradation can be happen, no river can flow restlessly, no rain can be rapidly, no trees can touch the sky, no birds can fly gradually, no oceans can roaring nicely, no sun can burn happily, no clouds can walk Patiently, no children can laugh loudly, no love can be alive. Just running and ruining the real fruits and fusion of spices through following these paths. Becoming a mess for the true love and prosperities by our own poor level of thinking process.

We are able to adore our souls then why we shouldn't?